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amateur station licence中文是什么意思

用"amateur station licence"造句"amateur station licence"怎么读"amateur station licence" in a sentence


  • 业馀电台牌照


  • There are two types of amateur station licence . the licence you are holding shall be one of these
    业馀无线电台牌照业业种? 。你所持有的会是以下其中一种牌照。
  • Please read the notes below and the " guideline to licensee of amateur station licence " before completing this form
  • Please read the notes below and the “ guidelines for application of amateur station licence ” before completing this form
  • Online licensing for satellite master antenna television licence , mobile radio system licence and amateur station licence and authority to operate
  • Online licensing for satellite master antenna television licence , mobile radio system licence and amateur station licence and authority to operate rthk on internet
  • Licence application for satellite master antenna television system , mobile radio system and amateur station licence and authority to operate can be filed and submitted online at the ofta web site
用"amateur station licence"造句  
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